Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our New McCaffrey Home-Take 2

On March 3rd, Blake got a phone call from Brent McCaffrey. Apparently, he read my blog, Our New McCaffrey Home, that I posted on February 1st, and wanted me to update my blog. You see, he did come out to smooth everything over.

The funny thing is, he didn't ask about our previous experience with McCaffrey. When he came out on February 18th to look at all that was still not right with our home, he didn't ask what our experience had been like.

If he had, he would have learned that their sales representative lost her cool and yelled at us when we called her on a mistake she had made, one that benefited us. He also would have learned more in depth how the arm doesn't know what the leg is doing in the McCaffrey organization. He would have learned that it took us calling the designer numerous times to get ahold of her, and sometimes she never called us back, we just had to keep calling.

And, he mocked us. When he asked if this was our first home, and we said yes, with a smirk he said "God Bless you". And it didn't feel sincere.

He wanted us to start over, wipe the slate clean, on February 18th. Really? Without anything being done?

I appreciate what he is trying to do. He said they would fix the problems, and I believe him. The problem that I have with the phone call to ask me to change my blog goes in this order:

1. He called Blake and asked him to ask me to update my blog. I'm sorry, but Blake isn't the boss of me. I love him. I respect him. But Blake thought it was funny that Brent McCaffrey just didn't call me himself. As do I.

2. I think it is funny that he had the audacity to ask me to change my blog. A blog, by definition, is considered an online personal journal (definition here). This is the place where I get to share my thoughts and what is going on in my life.

3. He asked me to change my blog 4 days before they even came out to start working on all of the things that were wrong with our house.

We love our home. McCaffrey's subcontractors have been out most weekends since March 7th to fix all of the problems, and we greatly appreciate it.

In fact, 2 weekends ago the tile contractor was out to take out all of the grout in the kitchen on the tile since they messed up the first time, and when they tried to fix it, it made it worse. And we appreciate them making that right for us. The only problem is they made a dent in our wall, so now another contractor has to come out to fix that, which will be a couple weeks after we get back from our honeymoon.

So when this is all, and they have fixed everything that they are suppose to, I'll write a blog update...letting you know if everything was indeed smoothed over.


Mica Lynn said...

I seriously love you.....and I completely agree!

m.pilger said...

Wow. I'm so proud of you for writing this. ;-) Developers/Builders/etc need to know how their clients really feel...

Brittany said...

OMG I cannot believe that! How freakin lame that he even stalked you and read your blog!