Thursday, July 31, 2008


I feel like I am always in meetings...always. Since I work at a church and am in charge of missions, I am the go to person if you are a missionary or a non-profit oganization. I get calls all the time from people wanting time and money from me. Not including calls from those wanting something from me, there is also full staff meetings, meetings with co-workers, meetings with the missions committee, meetings with subcommittees (I go when necessary), and meetings with our missionaries and partner organizations.

My best friend Ashley gave me Demotivational Calendar for Christmas. This is the month of August....

(for your very own calendar, or to see some funny pics, go here)

I have come to dread meetings. But not just the meetings with people or organizations we don't currently support, but with those that we do. It seems that it is just another thing to do. I am getting better at telling people no, setting up my schedule in such a way where meetings take place on certain days, admin on another, reading/studying at another time, and then the many tasks and projects that come and go. There is now a priority to those that I will meet with. And although it may sound like a great ministry, if it doesn't fit with The Bridge's vision, then I'll decide with the help of the Lord if I am suppose to meet with them. And I am getting better at telling people we are not interested right no.

I forget how much I love hearing about the ministry The Bridge is invested in all over the world, and even in my backyard, Fresno. I always go to meetings with a feeling of dread (because, come on, my time is valuable---which is my sinfulness coming out) and leave feeling edified by the conversation, full of joy, and praising the Lord for the things He is choosing to do and how He is choosing to use His people.

I have a feeling this is a predicament that I am going to deal with as long as I am in ministry...

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