Have you ever stopped to think that the way in which you think you are helping is actually harming the person?
In our minds we, when we give the money to the person on the street, participate in the local angel tree drive, or even go to the other side of the world to do a VBS in a very poor country, we are doing something good.
But what if that money is being used to feed an addiction. What if the parent who isn't incarcerated feels helpless when another person gives their child a toy instead of being able to provide this for them. What if the VBS is so elaborate that the children no longer want to do the weekly children's bible study.
What if the things we do as Christians in this world are actually hurting people instead of helping to develop them? What if there was a way to include and equip the poor to be a part of their solution.
I just finished reading
"When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself". If you care about helping people, I highly recommend it.
It has made me re-think the missions program at
The Bridge, as it touches on local, national, and global poverty, as well as short term missions trips. Its my hope and prayer that we are not hurting people when we think we are helping people.